Sunday, March 22, 2009


I have just discovered that I've been a repeat offender of this thing called "hotlinking."

While I thought I was linking back all pictures displayed here to their original sites and lawfully adhering to copyright laws, I was actually stealing the other sites' bandwidth.

Oops. o_0

And if everybody else followed me in my ignorance, the whole site would overload and would have to be shut down. Or something like that. (the article was long and technical so @.@)

Either way, that's bad.

I'm so sorry, deviantARTists!! T.T

So anyway. No more hotlinking. I promise. I'm such a noob. *smacks self*

Anyhoo since revision's starting Monday (guess who I'll have to see every Monday morning! I'm so excited! *rolls eyes*) which means I'll have a six-day week now, which is kinda double the three-day week I used to have. Bummerrr.

So I'll cheer myself up with more patronage to deviantART! Hotlink-free. :)

Well it looks like I was allowed to download, so it shouldn't be illegal, I hope?
if it still is then I'm not fit to use the Internet and should be forced to watch 72 hours of Teletubbies as punishment for my idiocy

More Zutara. =3


*sigh* Now the formalities.

"The picture(s) displayed above do NOT belong to me.
Please click here to view the original."

The only reason it's doing here is because I thought it was pretty cute and amusing.
Just sharing the sniggles. :)

Please don't nobody sue me hor. :))

Oh my kadavulai. Now doesn't that just suck the fun outta everything?! *pout*

Oh well off to start my week with Matha, Sarasvathi, Karma and peeling the onions tomorrow.

JOY. *uber pout*

1 comment:

Alana said...

"just keep peeling, peeling, peeling.."


(pats you)