The plan was to go to Aquaria, but we arrived an hour too early so we had to mooch around the park... then them
so we found ourselves in the exhibition... um, place. We thought we could mooch around there but it was a biotech job fair, so no way we could go there and still pretend to be intelligent right? So we did this!
Yep, we were despo enough to take piccies in the toilet.
See that poor angmoh lady there? She kept coming out and taking more tissues and orleetu-ing and we were there happily camwhoring amidst the aura of... nevermind. Told you we weren't smart enough for the biofair.
Satisfied with breathing the purest, freshest air in KL, we traipsed downstairs but we still had a half-hour left (oh yes. We spent 30 minutes on... bermanfaat activity) so we had
(clockwise from left) Berry Sorbet, Butterscotch(!♥) Walnut and Spotty Dog
And then it was finally time to enter!
We saw
and loads of cicaks and snakes and toads later
wtf Jackie you went to Cicakworld or Aquaria lah..
-frankly I also dunno lah macha. That was the entire first section.
we finally got to the "Aquaria" part of it all.
Complete with starfish, sea cucumbers, horseshoe crabs and the like. The way the visitors (especially the little brats) were poking and prodding at their insides and squeezing the heck outta them lil' sea critters, as well as repeatedly taking them out of the water (hello, they're SEA critters for cryin' out loud. How would you like to be waterboarded 150 times a day), I'm not surprised all of them die at the end of the day and they have to ship new ones in every week.
For RM20 (we flashed our student IDs up cashier-boy's nose) I say it was pretty worth it, the place is pretty extensive, but I kinda kesian some of the poor animals, being in captivity and all. the poor axolotl had like, 12X10 by 6X12 inches of living space? But I hope our visit contributed somehow to betterment of their living environment or something. The poor baby croc looked like it had an eye infection. Or was blind. But the point is, babies aren't supposed to be blind. Another thing was, THERE WERE NO FRIKKIN' JELLYFISH!!! *uber pout* But I guess that was compensated for by them tortles. =3
Oh and we were outnumbered a 1000 to one by little childrenz, one of which slapped me on the crotch just so he could get a better view of the gecko tank. Bager..!
So anyway, they force you to go through the souvenir shop before you get to the exit, so the girls were interested in some rings which they asked this store assistant to bring out, while I mooched around looking for tortle-related trinkets. I didn't find any good stuff (disappointed-nye) so I went over to see what the girls picked out. There was this Middle Eastern couple also in the same section, and the store assistant (who shall be called F*cker henceforth) was busy sucking up to them.
Middle Eastern Couple: *looking through some pearls, asks a question*
F*cker: Aah, *puts on ultra-fake, Asian-trying-to-sound-angmoh accent* these are from Malaysia; very good quality. Yes, yes.
MEC: *nods of approval*
F*cker: *UFATTSAA* So where are you from, my friend?
ME Man: Oman.
F*cker: Aah, Oman! *UFATTSAA* Welcome to Malaysia, my friends.
And guess how he speaks to us?
F*cker: All of you are bohsia's or what, trying to look all same-same? One wear ring *points at just-appeared me* all must get one to look the same lah?
WTF is his problem man... =.='
Why yes sir, we all bohsia, sollie hor, we intrude on your aura of individuality and ultra kewl accent, wah so kewl orh, actuali our England is quite sux, you can teach us ah, sir?
And he had the nerve to ask us if we knew what bohsia means. I didn't remember exactly but I remembered it wasn't associated with anything good particularly. I actually mm sorng jor but I didn't wanna create a scene (I was chicken la, basically) over something I wasn't sure about, so the girls picked a couple of rings and left.
Just to be sure, I went home and asked the folks what it meant (back in the day at least) and they frowned and said it meant lepakkers - idlehands with no futures or something like that. Not nearly as bad as what Wiki has to say.
- bohsia - young female slut, literally means 'no sound' ("boh" - No "sia" - Sound) from Hokkien
Oh yeah after the souvenir shop, there's a free educational section, basically it's a waste of space 'cause all they have are
Cathy: Eh why the orange one got no eyes one?
Anyhoo we got hungry, so we continued our cherished tradition of walking out of the first restaurant we sit in, and the Dome waitress rolled her eyes at us as we waltzed out unabashedly without ordering (ooh it's just nasty employee day in KL ain't it).
So we stuffed ourselves at A&W instead, then tried to make our way to Skybridge (the Concierge are officially our best friends) but darn it! The little brats outnumbered us again! The passes were completely habis.
So we went over to SanFran Coffee and had a contest. We were each given a theme or a situation, and had to express it and have our picture taken.
"Mail-order bride from Vietnam"
"Prostitute round-up"
"Hark sehr wooi"
"(inwardly) Huh! Dare to talk to me summore huh!
Sey jee naa, mei sey kgorh ah."
Sey jee naa, mei sey kgorh ah."
I am aware that Sylvea got more themes and also the ones with more depth, but that's Cathy's fault. So we said enough! and made her do one too.
Winner? You decide. =P
More clowning around:
-People, ask for her cell and browse through some truly priceless SS shots ;P
Well we could only be loud and crass for only so long, so we left (ushered with a very enthusiastic "Thanks!!" from the waiter - were we that loud?) and I saw this really cute top at MANGO, but then it was time to leave :'(
Gosh wasn't that longwinded! But memories must be documented with excruciating detail. =)
That, and Chan Sorh Guai's camera died before we even entered Aquaria XD
So I'm like the official photographer or something. (feel so inadequate man other peeps in Aquaria all had DSLR's... and me? I took mine using Gary. Not that he isn't good or anything *pats*)
Oh yeah. Today must be Take-As-Many-Insults-As-You-Can Day because when I arrived at Terminal 1 I encountered this beggar-man selling tissue... He called me Ah Moy and asked me to buy some but he was old and gross so I just walked past him (if you haven't figured out already I'm not exactly one for charity) so he got pissy and said, "Wah, macam Ah Lian."
Yep. The Universe rrrrreally loves me.
Well that took a bloody long time. Toodles!
PS: Anyone who comments on my crap photography shall suffer a slow and painful death. *cracks knuckles* Grr.
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