Thursday, April 23, 2009

IOU explanation?

Okay so much for my failed attempt at being short and concise and "mysteriously vague" (don't slap me).


Seeing the general shocked reactions I suppose what can be derived from the pic in the previous post is a chick in bandages and there's blood on the said bandages and bruises on top of her left boob.


So conclusions could be made that I've actually decided to

A) perform open-heart surgery on myself, in order to demonstrate my newly-acquired medical prowess

B) dedicate my life to becoming some sort of whack job who thinks she can invent a new kind of stethoscope by stabbing the cord directly into the heart

C) finally be serious about being utterly committed to becoming very attractively anorexic

or worst of all,

D) hurt myself. Creatively and imaginatively.

Whoa there.

Neither of the above, mate.

Here's what I see.

A chick in bandages (with a tummy to die for) with headphones plugged to her heart. Bloodstains on the bandages (where a heart should be) are prettily shaped into a vivid red heart. Which I just happen to think is a beautiful visual representation of its apt title, "Listen to your Heart II".

Which brings to the fact my decision to listen to my own, details of which I will not disclose here. =)

Long story short, I have had an awful dilemma for quite a while and it has brought me to my knees, but after having given the matter long and heavy thought and round after round of emotional discussion, it has been resolved (with conditions, but they are reasonable and I have accepted them), and I am at peace.

No, actually I'm jumping up and down like a munky. A deliriously happy one. =DD

~: FIN :~

I would have delved into the usual detailed over-analysis of my choice of picture but that would nerdify you to death. =P

Anyhoo please view the original here. The picture is entitled Listen to your Heart II (as aforementioned) by this amazing deviantARTist from Switzerland who calls him/herself 0verdoze-of-dreams. Do visit his/her gallery here . You won't regret it. ;)

Thanks and sorry for being a cause for concern. :)

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