Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Like, OhmyGawd!

I hate little children.

With a vengeance.

I got bullied and browbeaten.
By children.
Pre-pubescent children to be exact.
Children who think "stove" and "store" are the same thing.

I thought I could handle Mommy's class until she was done marking.
Sweet Lord, Jesus Christ was I wrong.
If it's one thing I CANNOTCANNOTCANNOTCANNOT do, is teach little children.

I tell you, they will NOT listen to you,
flirt (or try, really awkwardly. I should just put them outta their misery or something.) with their neighbour, giggle like asthmatic hyenas, and do everything under the sun other than pay attention and oblige.

And the BACKTALK! *eyes pop*

My throat is hoarse, my blood pressure is skyrocketing.
Mommy saves me after an hour.

Little monsters. *pants and sweats*
I could have sworn I was way cuter and sweeter and obedient at 13.

Felt like a bloody 25 years, is what it felt like.

Some more cannot curse and swear at them 'cos they're "innocent" and "unstained" it seems.


Silly parents. What would YOU know.

This. Is. A.

Casting holy water upon the daemon reveals its true form.


heuchler said...

O_o" *bursts out laughing like mad* i agree with most of the angst you spewed here but the you-were-sweet-when-13 part.. there were times you just chose to completely forget what you did.

i like that boy picture. he does resemble you slightly. ;D

-:-Jackie-:- said...

whazzat supposed to mean. XP
i was a right lil angel.
u were there.

pfft. not a chance. he can dream, though.

heuchler said...

it means what it means! we were always letting our mouths run away. uh huh. you KNOW what i'm talking about. ;P