Monday, February 2, 2009

Babies Galore

As large as CNY gatherings go, I'd say mine would be one of the biggest*.

*as far as I am concerned.

'Cause we're all busybody people and if you don't turn up you can guarantee we'll all march over and crash at your place, invite or no invite. =D

So we got to see the babies again!!

I don't know if this happens with everyone else but we have like, "gender seasons" where for a couple of years all babies born will be boys, then the next few years will be girls, and so on and so forth.

Well it's GIRL SEASON!!!



I personally prefer babies who can't run away or say "Don't wanttt!" yet. =D

I made her cry four times. =D

It's pure joy.

I kept feeding her snacks so my title of "Yue Jyeh Jyeh" has been downgraded to "mummummummum"**.


**Which is the universal baby word for "eat" or "food", supposing you haven't spent too much time around the said piddling noise machines***. =)

***said with the utmost love and affection.




Whoa. Once again, proof that I have no future in professional photography.

But have YOU tried to keep up with a two-year-old?!

I thought so. XP

She was sick and very cranky, so she didn't try to entertain us as much, but as she got better she was actually kinda farniee.

She helped me pack our BDs back into the bag, so I puji2 her lah, saying she so clever lah, so guai lah, then she like super-happy take all the BDs out again and "help" me pack again, waiting for more gushing praise.

Must teach her about consideration and how it must be sufficient.

Anyway, this kiddo got the most expensive cake I've never had!

RM300++ from some ridiculous outlet in 1U whose owner must be given two tight slaps for such outrageous daylight robbery.

Fondant work's not all that fantastic, but better than what I can hope to achieve. For now. =P

Oh how I wish I were an only child. *dreams*




Okay, to be fair, this was taken at her full moon celebration, where she was then a month old (duh) and now she's FOUR!!

I apologize, once again, for being an inattentive and tak proaktif punya photographer.

but babies under the age of 10 months are just not as interesting

*whistles away*

It'll hafta wait a couple more months then. ;P



Megan @ Xuanie! aka The Baby That Made Ongy2's Day.

Meet the most obliging baby in the world.

She'll let anyone carry her, even me! Ahahahah. Okay only once lah.

She's like, super quiet, and I don't think I've heard her say anything beyond "bye bye" and "no!" and "stop!".

Her Tai Yee (eldest maternal aunt) tells her,

"Xuanie, if you touch that wall socket, Tai Yee won't play with you for one whole minute!"

She moves away from the wall and hugs her Tai Yee's leg. Aww. =3

She doesn't smile much, but she's super manja and does nothing but smile when she sees ME!

Which makes me somewhat offended.

I look THAT weird meh.

Laugh and you die.
Unless you're Xuanie. ^^


PS: Sylvea ask me to try one.


Wow it works!

sylv says:
it works one...u only put the and the besides the words u wanna apply striikethru only..for eg..sylvea is stupid gorgeous...and the result would be this-sylvea is stupid(kena strikethru) gorgeous (tak kena strikethru)..

She so de smart hor. =PP

Yala yala thankiuuuu

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