Saturday, December 27, 2008

Takde Benda Lain Nak Buat Lah!

I tak faham how this works. Like really.

But since Sylvea's done it I must pretend to be intelligent and do it too.

Cannot lose out to her right? =P
(Yala yala I damn kiasu, so sue me.)


Bold the statements that are true to you.Italicize the statements that you wish were true (blue).Leave the fibs alone.Then,stab 5 people to do the same test


I am shy beyond reason.

I've got buddies everywhere I turn.

Jay Chou is like the best actor everrrr.

I have awesome driving skills.
(whaaat? true to ME right? XP)

My body is living proof of Leonardo's Golden Ratio.

I am only as accommodating as I want to be.

I tell the truth all the time.

I am a MAN!

I am very mature, very zen.

I try so hard not to appear vulnerable.

I have a thing for Broadway musicals. I was born to play Trekkie Monster.

I think having huge jugs is overrated. I am just not that shallow.

Leehom isn't gay. He loves me truly, deeply, desperately and hopelessly.

I love doing stuff for people just to see them happy.

I enjoy being alone tremendously. It keeps me sane.

Cartoons are stupid and childish and nobody past the age of 9 should ever watch them.

Very rarely, if ever, do I overreact to situations.

Tags are the result of a desperate blogger with no real material. But that aint me.

I keep things short, and to the point.


I tag! 5 random bloggers with no material. XP

HAH! Longer than yours leh, Sylvea. (urm. Exactly WHAT is longer is open to your filthy imaginations.)

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