Saturday, July 25, 2009

100th Post!

See. Evidence I'm not a lazy blogger. Heh.

I am! I am! I admit it. My lappie's not been used for 3 weeks. I must be whipped and chained by my ankles.

So here are some updates for you to snooze on:

1.) AJ divorced me and ran away with a koala.

2.) Dad says he'll take us somewhere end of this year (like, FINALLY!) I'm thinking China. Suggestions, anyone?

3.) Gramps left us.

Boss: Are you okay? You look like you cried a lot.
Me: Yeah well, everybody cried a lot.
Boss: Yeah. It's normal. Well don't feel bad. He's in a better place now.
Me: Oh no, he's Taoist, so he goes to hell.
Boss: ...

Well I'm still not quite sure how the Taoist afterlife policy works, but yeah. We'll miss him. Gramma will feel it the most, I think. She made me promise I'd visit every week but that'll mean I'll have to put up with a certain someone in the same house for a couple of hours every week. Argh. For Gramma. *soldiers on*

4.) Barely 3 weeks into my job, I have been banned from answering company e-mails. Due to some dumbarsery on my part: holding our company responsible for a screw-up we didn't make. I am no longer speaking to JB-ians with bad "England" who try to zjaa me with "why u so confidents?" and accuse me of "no tell true." *roll eyes*

5.) I spent an entire hour speaking a constipated mash of Cantonese/Mandarin/Hakka/English/BM scheisse to a 45-year-old ex-Uncle Ho (whose name, incidentally, happens to be Uncle Ho) bus driver I had to sit next to on the bus to KL. (no more seats; running late for work) And he tried to get my number and pick me up for lunch. *smacks forehead*

Psh! Please. How can you even imagine that you stand a chance? I'm so cool and you're not. *flips hair*

6.) Yet another little girl called me "Auntie." Sponsor my Botox treatments, anyone?

7.) Angmohs swear I'm from Angmohland. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH

I knew my racist impersonations would come in handy one day. *grins*

8.) I have scheduled a PDRM between Jean-Pierre and Alana-Marie for August 3rd. HOPEFULLY that poor, sweet, sexily mustached Frenchman will not be ditched. Speaking of DITCH...

PS: I swear, I'll turn Larry on one day and do a real, non-pointform post. One day lah. Hee. :D

1 comment:

Alana said...

PDRM???? WOO!! WOO!! WOO!!!!

*foams and throws up hands and collapses like the foaming-mouth guy on Avatar*