Saturday, March 6, 2010

I Have Been Called Many Things.

I have been called a bitch.

I have been called perverted.

I have been called a "banana".

I have been called fat.

Ooh yeah baby come get some

I have been called blonde.

I have been called a big baby.

Heck; I've been called Ugly Betty.

Some have even compared my nose to Michael's.

But the one thing that I will not stand for, is if people call me







Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, *the face*. And his friend, *the finger*.

My eyes happen to be HUGE dammit.


Fuck you very much.


On a more sober note, I've noticed that a coupla buddies have been having it rough lately. I'm no good with words; especially when it matters. But hey! The sun's shining, the Earth's spinning round, you're still here. Cheer up 'kay! It doesn't do the stalker good to see ya down. :)

One day, I will man up enough to tell you that I care. Without sounding gay.

Until that day I shall remain chickenshit and ambiguous. And write nonsensical posts in a pitiful attempt to make you smile, if only for a second in your 24-hour day.


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