Sunday, December 14, 2008

Weekend Bakings

Another two weeks, another two projects.

First up:

:: Death By Chocolate ::

This was a recipe I got off foodwishes and was generally quite excited about it as I haven't done anything SERIOUSLY chocolate for quite a bit (involving real chocolate and not just cocoa powder).

It was supposed to be a molten chocolate cake, with the gooey sauce oozing out when you slice through it with your fork.


I decided to be smart and my itchy fingers added an extra 5 minutes to the baking time.

The result was...

Baked chocolate pudding.

Yes, I completely deserve everything that happens to me.

Either way, I won't be making this again. It's almost like, 75% chocolate for God's sake. The dark kind some more. Eugh. Jelakness.

:: Paper Cup Sponge Cake ::

Truth be told, I had no idea what this was when I made it, but the pictures on Hugbear's blog made it pretty irresistable for me to find out for myself.

The taste was described as reminding one of Ji Dan Gao, although I have absolutely no clue as to what the heck that is.

So I tried it out, and.. well see for yourself. :)

Just out of the oven.

Taken out of its paper cup...

..and mercilessly ripped in half to show you the fluffiness within.

There was no flavoring added, so the result was a light (not unpleasant) eggy flavor to go with the soft fluffiness. Not too sweet either. It made 6 paper cups, albeit overflowing as I was too lazy to line a seventh.

A pretty reliable recipe if you ask me, and even if you screw it up (a bit, towards the end) like me, it still turns out pretty decent. I lightly mixed in the melted butter when the instructions said, "mix THOROUGHLY." Sigh. I have this problem with instructions.

Anyhoo looks like I'll be having these for breakfast!!
Now shoo, Rotiman! I won't be needing your lower bakelets. *hidung denggi*


And Happy Birthday to Nikke Ho!
(if she ever finds my blog. huhu)

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