Tuesday, December 9, 2008

For The Ladies

Okay, obviously I cannot resist lah.
So I HAVE to do this post!!

Me and Momma and two of the most disgusting people on Earth (heart) went and...



"Oi hurry up lah!!!"

Shh, be quiet. This is suspense okay!



Ooooooh Mama. (ignore the fugly brunette on the right.)

See, this was just the teaser poster!!! *hyper*
Oh come on. With the lead actor being THAT hawt how can I not watch it right??

(Though I must say this poster does NOT do Robert Pattinson (heartsheartshearts) justice. Remember him as highly-shaggable TriWizard hotshot Diggory in HP?)
Holy hot potatoes. *glomps poster*

*cough* Alright, on to business.

TWILIGHT. Not Rob(-bie baby darling honey sayaaaaang!)ert Pattinson. *dignified*

I must say, this is one for the ladies. And I mean EXCLUSIVELY.
For hardcore, incurably incurable romantic, chicklit-reading, CHICKS.
(Although Emperor Palpatine had the stomach to sit through the entire thing. *applauds*)

If you plan to go see the movie just because

"OMG!!!! The lead actor damn lengzai lehh!"

like moi, that's a damn good reason. *grin*
But if you thought eyecandy stopped there, you'd be wrong.
Because Twilight is, for the most part, an all-you-can-eat mancandy buffet.
And here are my faves, compiled for your viewing pleasure. =D

Obviously Edward. =D

And Edward's Daddy. I actually think he's better-looking compared to Edward, but just not as sexayy.
(there's a better one of him here.)

Even their bad guys are RAWR.

And it's not just the vampires, either.

The humans have got it going on too. *yum*

He's just a cutie. ^^

Okay done! And if pretty boys don't do, check out the corny-factor, which IMO I will place at 9.725 outta 10.

Me and Ongy2 were swooning all the way at Edward when he spoke to Bella, and I believe I said,

"Yeah, they're bad lines, but I don't care!! *swoon*"

And by the time he threw the "forever and ever oath" line at her, we were swooning so much that Emperor Palpatine leaned over and tried to be a killjoy:

"*disgusted face* You guys make me SICK."

Obviously his efforts proved ultimately futile.

Me and Ongy2: *swoon some more*


Oh, and did I mention, they have pretty cute calefares too? Keep an eye out for the couple taking a picture at the prom! (towards the end, just before Edward+bloody byotch)

"Eh, we're tired of seeing and/or hearing about your pretty boys lah. What about the storyline?"

Storyline? WHAT storyline? Oh I was too busy to notice. *drool*

*nosebleed, faint*

Oh. And Kristen Stewart acts like *bleep*
almost as friggin kayu as this guy.

Eew friggin' cacat bledi sepet yellow man, tainting the sexiness of this post.

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