Monday, March 30, 2009

Avatardedness Continued

I've just finished the first disc of Book 2: Earth and I have this to say:

Can it get any awesomer?!!

Zuko's more tormented than ever, Ty Lee just came in (I heart her!), Sokka's adorable and Book 2 has the most adorable creatures ever thought up by Bryke. ^^

Allow me to demonstrate.

1.) The purple pentapus.

2.) There was this thing called a rooster-pig but I have no pictures!! T.T
So go watch the muvee. =D

3.) Meet Foo-Foo Cuddly Poops. A baby sabre-toothed moose-lion. =3

I saved the best for last. *grins*

4.) TURTLEDUCKS. The cutest things outside my own imagination.

Plus they interact with Zuko! How could you not love. Zuko. *foams at mouth*

Alright alright goodnight already! :D

Have a great week, people. ;)

1 comment:

Alana said...

