Saturday, February 7, 2009

Random Appreciation Of The Arts

Will you forgive me if I ship Zutara??
Will you??

"This... this feels... so forbidden... my honour is tarnished!" LOL

It's okay to be boring and predictable sometimes. ^^

While we're at it let's browse deviantART shall we.

Makar and Link. ^^

Allow me to introduce to you, THE best gaming series the world has given us.
God bless you, Mr. Shigeru Miyamoto.
My life would not be complete if it weren't for The Legend of Zelda.

Did I ever mention how I'm completely fascinated with faces?
There are just some faces you just won't tire of looking at.
Here's one.
It's pretty amazing that this was done when both the artist and the model (the former's friend) were 15.
I will go bury my face somewhere now.



LOL. Oh YouTube. I lovest thee.

PS: I'm going through my Avatar phase, if you haven't already concluded. =D

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